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ADDCARE-- Add more safety, add more care.


Core Value: More Care,More health


Enterprise Vision: Addcare aims to become a world leading supplier of automated systems for medical laboratories in IVD field.


Guidline: Quality and service is the foundation in Addcare.


Enterprise Spirit: Addcare carry out strict control for each individual process leading to high quality and constant improvement.


Group Consciousness: Sharing success to create a win-win situation. 


Business Philosophy: Addcare belongs to you and me.Addcare belongs to the whole world.

  • ADD:No.10, Nanjing Street, Development Zone, Yantai, Shandong, 265500, P.R.China.

  • TEL:+86-535-6398536

  • FAX:+86-535-6398506

  • Email:marketing@lepu-medical.com

Copyright ? 2011 Yantai Addcare Biotech Limited Company
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